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theory of combustion中文是什么意思

用"theory of combustion"造句"theory of combustion"怎么读"theory of combustion" in a sentence


  • 燃烧理论
  • 燃烧学说


  • Theory of combustion dynamics , semenov auto - ignition and method of prediction of auto - ignition by the semenov equation were introduced in the dissertation
    介绍了有关自燃的燃烧动力学理论、 semenov自燃理论以及应用semenov方程对自燃范围进行预测的方法。
  • By using the fundamental theories of combustion and a series of experimental study , the combustion characteristics of lpg are investigated . the main parameters such as indicator diagrams and heat release rate are calculated and analyzed
用"theory of combustion"造句  
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